Saturday, October 22, 2011

Founder updates 2008 CV


Lighting a candle for transparency, and
Tahiti editor Jean-Pascal Couraud,
missing since 1997.

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An updated version of the personal and professional CV of Curriculum Veritas founder Jason Brown has been published online here.

“It makes for disturbing reading, but there are some positive signs of recovery from a quarter century of island journalism,” jokes Brown.

“People who have never read a bad CV should read this one. More seriously, a CV is only as good as it’s last update.”

The update relates to transparency around applications being made for funding towards koha or volunteer news media projects in the Pacific, and globally.

Still in alpha or testing phase, Curriculum Veritas links with other Good Global Governance concepts like Total Transparency Tools and the World Journalism Review.

“The fight against corruption starts at home,” says Brown.

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